Dandylion almost blown out.

Another day has begun and you’re still stuck. No matter how hard you hustle, you can’t seem to catch up to your dreams – they’re just too far out of reach. Culprits vary, but common examples are little kids at home, lack of funds, subpar health, not enough cash, time spent at work, caretaking and of course – no money.

The Crazy Maker herself

Well I’ve been experimenting with an idea – and it’s actually working! I’d love for you to give it a try, it might be just what you need to escape your rut and feel some progress.

Ready for it? Right now? K-

I simply began applying the thought “Tomorrow is Today” whenever I felt stuck in life and responsibilities, or found myself longing to do the things I could never find time for, and whenever I lamented not having the resources for the things I wanted.

Tomorrow is Today” opened a creative door with all kinds of ways to think outside the box and find ways to make progress on my dreams right now. It’s also when I realized that thinking outside the box tends to look like craziness to people who are perfectly happy and thriving inside the same boxes I am clambering out of. I’m okay with that.

I am Carina. A wife, mom, crafter, maker, dancer, singer, wannabe artist, and brand new builder. I have accumulated a few skills in my life so far (they have yet to include websites or photography😅) and I’m now putting my skills to the test by building a custom home for our family.

And that’s just the beginning. I’m excited about my dreams and plans for our new place – more on that later on – building a house is quite enough to take on at the moment!

Closet Flange and vent of sub-grade DWV system
One closet flange (a.k.a. toilet drain) ready to go!
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