Building a House ~ the prep may never end!

It’s happening. The last two plus years have led to the events that just might go down in the next week or two. Concrete. We are dangerously close to pouring the concrete footings and foundation for our new home. So much has had to happen to get us to this point.

My footings are still full of snow.

Just to be clear, when I say “we” I mean mostly . . . me. I’m the builder, and designer – I even dove into some structural engineering. I’m the project manager, excavator, and plumber. I might be the electrician – but I have yet to dive into studying all of that. As it’s my first time building a house it has taken an extreme amount of time getting this far due to the shear amount of information I’ve been ingesting. Attempting to turn that information into action is quite the learning curve.

Check out my Pinterest Board started 10 years before I ever knew I’d have the opportunity to actually build a house

My People

I am not necessarily all alone – not always anyway. First of all, nothing would be possible without my hubs who works super hard and is smart enough to understand business tax and tax law. He’s the primary financier of this project. Secondly, any and all skills I may have in this arena come from watching and helping my Dad growing up. He pretty much has done it all. You won’t see him much though, so just picture a combination of Tom Selleck and MacGyver.

We have had a few “all-hands-on-deck” projects so far that have required as many people as I could finagle to help me. They were all family. Brothers, nephews, niece, cousin, my hubby, and of course my dad. My aunt and uncle next door even came to help. And now I’ve got four willing high school boys willing to come help me on a regular basis. It’s amazing how much having regular help makes!

At the beginning of what will have to be many posts to keep you up to speed on the build- as well as why the heck did I ever think this would be a good idea, other discussions like where I spend and where save, when do I hire a pro and when do I figure it out myself, is the savings even remotely worth it, ARE there any savings, and many other details – I’d just like to welcome you, thank you in advance for helpful input, and wish you luck on finding ways to reach your own dreams and goals! For an occasional newsletter and updates subscribe! Tomorrow is Today 🙂

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